Where Can I Sell my Antique furniture?
When you acquire a new item, research it thoroughly before attempting to clean it up. Some furniture is best left untreated by chemical cleaners, whereas others will thrive with a little beeswax and a lot of elbow grease.
There is a whole world of collectibles out there in the estate sale world. Just remember — not every item has a great value but it will have a collector out there somewhere. Find the right collector and you will raise the value of your piece.
It’s not always easy to find exactly the right antique. Don’t lose hope! Visit local antique shops and speak with experts to let them know what you are looking for. They will have better connections with dealers than you and will be able to source your new treasure faster.
Negotiating can make some people nervous. The best way to start the conversation is by asking what the seller’s best price is. Think about how much you would be happy to pay for the item and see if you can find a compromise somewhere in the middle. This way, everyone comes away from the deal happy.
I can’t tell you how important it is to research items. It is the backbone of my business. Whether that means going online or doing price comparisons with other stores and sales, you need to know the true value of your treasure. To take your research to the next level, visit antique dealers or make an appointment with an expert.
Setting up sales means more than putting all your items on a table and hoping someone will spot them. Group similar colors or pieces together to entice the buyers – and make sure everything is spotless!