Weiman Antique Furniture
Category: Furniture Polish
What most people don’t know, is that most furniture products that are used to clean or shine wooden furniture are typically all classified as furniture polish. These may include but aren’t limited to:
Historically most furniture polishes were composite of a range of natural waxes. The problem with traditional wood waxes was their application was difficult, time consuming and more often would end up with a lot of unsightly wax build up on furniture surfaces. In modern times, a range of new polishes have been introduced, many still containing natural waxes such as beeswax or carnuba, as well as natural oils such as teak and tung oil. The primary difference is more chemicals, often petroleum based, have now been added to improve application as well as final finish.
Most of these have been created to reduce the build-up of wax and make the process of polishing furniture easier. In fact, the most common modern furniture polish is usually cleverly designed aerosol sprays.
All Furniture Polish is Not Created Equal
Furniture polish in spray form is the most popular of the polishes because of their convenience and ease of use. But, be aware that all furniture polishes are not created equal, nor do they accomplish the same tasks. You should have a clear objective before choosing one.
I know, that sounds like way too much consideration to give to a furniture polish but choosing the correct furniture polish can be very beneficial. Most people today use a furniture polish as an accessory for dusting furniture, which isn’t necessary if all that you want to achieve is the removal of dust. In which case all you need is a soft cloth, synthetic and/or natural.
A soft cotton cloth is an excellent choice but microfiber dust cloth is arguably the best material available today for dusting. But, If you have an interest in protecting and preserving your furniture, however, you should consider a furniture polish with a wax base formula, such as Original Beeswax Polish.
If you are using a spray polish as your primary care and maintenance polish, then all you need to do is choose a quality product and follow the manufacturers directions for use. Moreover, if you are using a paste wax or liquid wax for primary care and a spray polish for maintenance, be aware that the spray polish could potentially harm the the waxed surface or remove it entirely.
The reason is that most furniture polishes are a solvent base, i.e. mineral spirits and turpentine, which both remove wax. They are good vehicles for getting the wax to the surface (if you are okay with solvent) but once the solvent has evaporated and all that is left is the wax, any solvent that comes into contact with it will remove it. In other words it is counter productive to spray a solvent base furniture polish over a paste wax or liquid wax surface.
Best Selling Wood and Furniture Polishes.
The typical problem when looking for a furniture polish is that most people are looking for one product that does it all. Unfortunately that isn’t the right way to look at it. Each part of your furniture has its own make up based on what material were used to put it together. Your furniture could be made up of wood, leather, pelt, fur, suede, cloth, glass etc .
This is why you should probably look to invest in a combination of polishes and cleaners to revive and clean your furnishings. The other thing to keep in mind is that a lot of commercially well-known and marketed cleaners have a fair amount of chemicals – you should always look into what the product make up is and if its suitable for your environment and your family. A lot of people favour aerosol cleaners over traditional polishes and waxes.