Red Vintage Furniture
It's been a while since we checked in with the Red Vic and its ever-evolving interior community space. We noticed they'd been kicking up some dust recently, having removed the big living room stage they'd had in the window in recent months, so we decided it was time for an update.
Kate Ludicrum, a host at the Red Vic, told us that the Red Vic is entering another new phase: furniture. The front third of the common area is now framed by a wooden screen, in order to enclose what will be a vintage furniture shop, opening officially on August 13th. (Ludicrum asked us not to take photos until the space comes together, but you can see from the windows if you're passing by.)

Ludicrum says that the team is tossing around several ideas for the big living room. One, which is already unofficially taking place but will begin in earnest once the furniture store is operational, is to turn it into a co-op child care facility. "Lots of old hippies who were here in the '60s are still around or coming back with their college-aged children, and they have a lot of love for this building and for the neighborhood. We want this to be a refuge, and a welcoming destination for them, " Ludicrum told us. In addition to providing childcare, the idea is that seniors might also help with homework or do some free daytime schooling for kids. "We want to connect skills with needs, " Ludicrum said.
The Red Vic is still holding events while construction continues, including its popular monthly figure drawing class, first Thursday art shows, and evening lecture series. One such lecture being worked on is a "grey-hair panel, " comprised of the aforementioned "old hippies, " who can talk about the Haight's past and future.
Whatever becomes of the big living room, Ludicrum and the rest of the folks living at the Red Vic are excited about the new adventures. "It's like living at Burning Man, " Ludicrum says of the environment. With that in mind, they're accepting feedback about how the big space could benefit the community. If you have ideas for the Red Vic, you can let them know by contacting stay{at}redvic{dot}com.