Harp Furniture
While custom orders are a large part of what we do, we love it when we get to just build something from our own inspiration. We found this beautiful wood along with some amazing beam stumps. We turned the stumps for legs and created this. The curved corners on the table top, and really the whole table itself, were inspired by a trip we had taken to the U.K. where we toured as many places as we could find with amazing old furniture.
Turned Table Legs
When I first started turning legs on my lathe, it took me an incredibly long time to do just one. I was unsure of what I was doing and questioning my decision to leave a high-paying sales job to chase my dream of building furniture. One day I took a leg home, which took me too long to make and just told my wife how much of a failure I felt like. I cried, and my supportive wife listened and told me how much she loved the leg even if it took me too long. My kids took the leg and put encouraging stickers all over it. I took it back to the shop and leaned it in the corner as a reminder of my family’s love and support. One day, Joanna came to the shop to finalize some designs we were working on. She saw that leg in the corner with stickers all over it and said, ”That’s the leg I want for the magnolia farms tables!”
The Austin Church Hutch
When I first started building in my shop in Waco, I was called by a friend whose church was looking for a custom hutch and specifically liked the idea of one being made from reclaimed wood. I built this for them completely out of reclaimed oak and pecan pallets I found behind a local factory. This piece is truly one of a kind!
Turned Stump Pedestal Before
We constantly find ourselves looking for new materials wherever we can find them. One day we found a massive burn pile on a friend’s property. He had thrown massive chunks from old beams into the pile and we quickly pulled them out! I took this stump, cut it down, and threw it on the lathe.
Turned Stump Pedestal After
After a bit of turning, sanding and some tongue oil, we came up with this! Now we make these regularly in our shop with each one turned with its own unique design.
The Threshing Floor Farm Table
When we can, we use reclaimed wood that we personally pull out of old houses, burn piles or wherever else we can find it. Occasionally, however, we get a request to build something that we don’t actually have the materials for. In the case of this table, the client wanted a table built with two-inch thick wood. We called up a local company here in Waco who specializes in barn restoration. They ended up having this wood which was pulled from the threshing floor of a wheat farmer. Years of threshing wheat on this wood gave it a character like no other and gave our clients a table that will tell its own story.
Hunting Lodge Bunk Beds
A business woman here in Waco wanted matching bunk beds for her family’s ranch, which was about an hour outside of town. She wanted unique beds which would be a staple of their lodge. With eight beams all 9-feet tall, we constructed the basic framework of these beds in our shop. After a couple of weeks of construction, we took all the pieces, including hundred-year-old barn wood, and built these matching bunk beds on site.