Antiques Furniture Birmingham AL
Antique furniture in Birmingham Al is a pickers paradise. The antique store talked about here is located just north of Birmingham Al and it also contains glassware, antiques, signs, dolls, birdhouses, statues, seasonable items, and much more. One may see items that reminds you of your childhood to items that you have been looking for, for a long time.
The Gardendale Flea Mall in the Birmingham Al area has been an exciting experience for me, in having been fortunate to have had four(4)different booth locations downstairs and three booth locations upstairs. All locations have been productive and profitable.
All of the management and associates are so helpful in helping the dealer sell her/his merchandise. Often, they will call the dealer if a customer has questions about a particular item. Also, each dealer may help sell an item for another dealer, if the customer is looking for an item that that dealer does not have in their booth. There is an atmosphere of “family” throughout the facility.
One of the nice things of visiting or renting a booth at the Gardendale Flea Mall is, it is a great place to meet interesting people from all walks of life. Customers come from all areas of Alabama to find antique furniture. Quite often you may see car tags from as far away as Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida as well as Alabama.
Management often has “get-together” lunches on Appreciation Days, which is nice for the fellowship of friends and visitors. We invite you to come by the GFM, in the Birmingham Al area and leisurely look at all the items in over 300 booths, you may find an item you have been searching for, for a long time.
Gardendale Flea Mall and Antique Furniture is located at 2405 Decatur Hwy(Hwy. 31 North), phone 205-631-7451, Birmingham Al Metro area It is a controlled air condition/heating, two-story facility, with over 300 booth spaces. There are convenient open hours, 10 AM-6PM, seven(7) days a week.