Antiques Bedroom Furniture
Few furniture choices are more beautiful, classy, and distinct than antique bedroom furniture. Whether you’re looking for a specific style antique dresser, a wardrobe, armoire, bed, or other specific piece, antique bedroom furniture is a great choice for a number of reasons.
Hand Crafted Quality
While the looks of an antique are tough to beat, they are also built of top-notch craftsmanship and materials. Since many antiques were built by hand before technological advances made mass-producing furniture a regular practice, most antiques are of a quality that is hard to find outside of furniture built by custom furniture builders. The cost of custom-built furniture averages around $2, 000, but with age it potentially decreases in value. Of course, you’ll want to inspect the furniture carefully before you buy, since some antiques have experienced rough times along the way, but if they’ve survived this long there’s a good chance they’ll hang in there for quite a few years more.
They Don’t Make Them Like That Anymore . . .
Another reason many homeowners choose antique furniture is the pure originality of so many pieces. As society changes, so does our furniture needs, and it’s always fun to have a piece of bedroom furniture that hearkens back to an earlier time. Vanities, for example, are rarely used to put on make-up and prepare for a night on the town anymore, but they are beautiful additions to any bedroom and can double as a convenient desk for sitting down to jot notes or letters. And while commode chests and washstands have been replaced by the bathroom sink in function, they still provide good storage in a bedroom, and carry with them that added attraction of times gone by.
Like the Looks, But Not the Age?
Of course, there are those homeowners who like the classic looks of antique furniture, but aren’t sure if it’s worth the risk to buy a piece of furniture that is a hundred or two years old. If you fall into that category, you’ve got nothing to worry about. Antique bedroom furniture is so popular that there is an entire industry of furniture builders out there who specialize in recreating antique designs with new materials. You can shop warehouses full of antique replicas that have already been built, or talk to a custom furniture builder about recreating a specific piece, if that’s what you have in mind. And because part of the antique mystique is the quality craftsmanship, almost all antique style furniture being built today rivals its predecessors in hand-crafted quality.