Antique Reproduction Furniture Kits
I have a number of Furniture Kits in my basement far beyond practical. Interested? 703-780-1505 or e-mail, larryled@aol.com. My list includes Small QA Lowboy in Tiger Maple, (still in box), last sold 8 years ago for $589, sell for $489 plus shipping. Hanging Corner Cupboard (Wal), Penn. Spice Chest (C), Shaker Candle Stand (C) and several other pieces. NOTE: The Bartley Collection, Ltd. (now Bartley Classic Reproductions) was founded in the 70s in Chicago and later moved to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. They are considered the Rolls Royce of kit furniture, in the past making mostly 18th Century Reproductions in all forms of Queen Anne, Chippendale, Federal, Sheraton and Hepplewhite styles. A Bartley kit includes all parts of a piece, pre-cut, and includes hardware, screws, dowels, brasses etc. Everything is included except Finishes. Earlier on (but no longer) they made things under the liscense of Colonial Williamsburg, The Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village, Ashlawn (James Monroe's Home), and The Smithionan.