Antique Furniture Fort Worth
BUY Antiques Vintage Fort Worth! More Old Stuff Wanted!
OLD means made before 1980 and in Good condition, SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE with photos & price.
Valentines, Old luggage, Old buffets, Old servers, Old cowboy stuff, Old small tables and shelves,
Old comfy grandma chairs, Old Car/Truck stuff, Old petroleum, oil, gas stuff, Old signs, Old license plates, Old statues or busts, Old costumes, carnival or circus type.Old Fraternal stuff, oddfellows, shriners, etc.Old Folding screens, Old Lamps, Old Maps, Old Elementary School stuff, Old Log Cabin type furnishings, Old Quilts, Old Tin Types, Old Mens’ Hats, Old Drugstore stuff, Old Tobacco, Cigar, Smoking stuff, Old Medical stuff, (includes dental, optometry, etc.)Old Childrens’ Picture Books (no later than 1960s, Old Halloween, Old Trophies, Old Charm Bracelets, Old Floor Lamps, still looking for Religious stuff, OLD Garden Stuff, OLD Furniture, &
of course, Weird Stuff….
OLD means made before 1980 and in Good condition,
SEND PRIVATE MESSAGE with photos & price. Please do NOT bring your items in the shop.Love OLD Clothing, Shoes, & Purses! Want Holiday decorations, Photographs, Cameras, Silver Plate, Garden Stuff, Rocks, Shells, Random parts of old Broken Stuff (can still be beautiful!),
Weird Strange & Odd Thangs!