Antique Chinese Furniture Appraisals
We are not certified appraisers and we do not provide appraisal services.
If you have an item you would like to have appraised, we recommend that you consult one of the following websites to find an appraiser in your geographic area:
* Appraisers Association of America -
* American Society of Appraisers -
* International Society of Appraisers -
* Appraisers National Association -
You may also want to check the yellow-pages of your nearest large city, or with antique dealers in your area.
We recommend that you talk with two or three appraisers via telephone to determine their experience with your type of items, and your level of comfort in working with them.
Discuss the appraisers fees and how many hours of work they expect to need to appraise your items. Some appraisers may be able to provide a verbal appraisal for a lower cost than a written appraisal. A verbal appraisal may be sufficient for establishing a price at which to sell your items. A written appraisal is needed for insurance purposes and is sometimes helpful to provide to a potential purchaser.