Adelaide Antique Furniture
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7 Chapel Street,
Norwood SA 5067
Ph 08 8362 0404
Scammells are now one of Australia's largest auction rooms offering in excess of 60 000 lots every year. Scammells specialise in Estate clearance and Single Vendor Collections.
Weekly auctions are held at our auction rooms in Norwood, which range from retro furniture, retro collectibles, antique furniture, vintage design furniture, art deco collectibles, antique jewellery, quality items of Danish design, garden architectural items, paintings, pictures and prints, porcelain, oil and petrol collectables, jewellery and more.
Monthly we hold our speciality auctions including the renowned “Great Collectors Auctions” featuring local collections of veteran and vintage motorcycles, enamel signs, oil bottles and petrol collectables. In addition our calendar features “The Showcase Auctions”, a collection of interesting, collectable and unusual.